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Habit Tracker for Notion 2021

Feature 1️⃣: Set-Up Page

The set-up page allows you to quickly create your habits in minutes. In Step 1, it will ask you to input the name of your habits and the frequencies.

In Step 2, you will be prompted to add your days and weeks. It will also explain what the possible scenarios are, and how and when to link your weeks to the Frequencies page.

Feature 2️⃣: Possible Scenarios — 9 of Them!

Depending on your progress with each of your habits, this habit tracker can be really colorful.

You don’t have to worry about not completing your habit every week because it will give you visual cues if you are still safe to postpone doing your habit, if this is the day you should start doing it (or else you won’t have enough days), and if you are about to break your habit, among others.